So, becoming a Christian means everything gets easier, right? Hurdles lower, mountains shrink and it’s puppy dog tails and rainbows forever and ever, AMEN, isn’t it? Well, not exactly. While those statements may not be true, it is true that the power of the Holy Spirit indwelling a Christian enables us to withstand mighty storms and overcome insurmountable obstacles. It is His sovereignty that becomes obvious and is our solace in the storm. Receiving Christ and His grace is just the beginning of our new life. The gifts and experiences (the good, bad and the ugly!) that God provides to us can and should be used to scatter our seeds. Whatever hardship or trial you have overcome gives you relatability and competence to minister to someone in a similar situation. For instance, as a divorcee and even adoptive mom, I can more easily minister to someone in a failing marriage or other adoptive parents. Because I struggle with inferiority, I can relate to another who struggles with identity. Empathy is important when it comes to relationships. Sowing our seeds with others provides growth for us as well as for them. You may not have a degree, but your street smarts and experiences learned in the school of hard knocks can be used to come alongside someone who is struggling. We need to have courage to reach out and lift up others with our seeds from our God given packets.
For me, my writing seed can be a particular challenge to sow. I know God put it on my heart to write about Him and for Him. No matter how much I write though, and I do almost daily, I never feel confident in it. Of course most of the topics I write about have been covered somewhere on another blog (and probably better.) The analogies I use have most likely been used by someone else, and the scripture application I’m sure is not new. BUT, these are MY stories; from my experiences. So they are unique and important. If God puts in on your heart to move like He did mine, then move. Don’t ignore His calling. We all need to be at work for the Lord. Our individual giftedness will sadly continue to lie dormant until and unless we have the courage to open the package and freely sow.
When we feel like we are not living up to our potential or receiving any kind of fulfillment, that’s the time to get busy. When we stall out and don’t feel like we are spreading God’s love and message we’ve got work to do. Not work for salvation, but work that is a result of it. Getting into the Word on a daily basis, plugging in to a local church and serving and loving our neighbor are all vital parts of living the Christian life. I think a lot of folks get it backwards. They think they need to do and be a certain way, get themselves cleaned up, accomplish something and then dip their toes into the church water. But in reality it is about belief, surrender, faith and fruit. Trusting Jesus with Every. Single. Part. of our lives requires incredible faith and trust, but the result I guarantee will be amazing and fruit producing. You will begin to see things happen. You will begin to develop your gifts and use them for Him. Discipleship happens and the cycle begins again.
So be courageous. Stop putting things off because you think you are not good enough. Don’t be afraid to reach out and encourage someone with your gifts. You are a child of the King! Go after your dreams knowing that the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob has given them to you. He has plans for you, and those plans include sowing your seeds. Spread the Gospel in your actions like you spread the grass seed in the spring and watch God grow them. We are only a small part of His creation, but powerful in His name! Do you have a packet of seeds lying dormant in your pocket? I do! Time to get them planted! Leave it to God to grow and prune, and prepare to be amazed!
1 Corinthians 3:6-7
I planted, Apollos watered, but God was causing the growth. So then neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but God who causes the growth.