As much as I pray for folks, you would think that keeping a prayer journal would not be a new concept for me. But honestly, I never really took the time to deliberately journal my prayers for any length of time. Like a lot of things I plan to commit to my daily routine, this one also gets pushed aside every year. I do write a LOT, but it is often haphazard and in whatever notebook is closest to me at the time.
Terri MooreWelcome to my blog and author page where I share tidbits of my life experiences. My first published children's book will be released Spring of 2024! I can't wait to share it with you! I hope you find my posts and publications entertaining and inspiring! My testimony is a result of my trials. God is faithful, and I hope to glorify Him with my words and witness. May you be blessed! Not on Facebook much and afraid of missing new posts? If you would like new posts to go directly to your inbox,
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