While we know the final scene of this would be tragedy is one of joy and redemption, not all our times of waiting are certain to have a happy ending. We wait for the test result, for healing, for an apology, for forgiveness, for answers.....we worry,fret and pine. How we fill the space of uncertainty is crucial. Just as the cross made a way for relationship with God, prayer keeps that relationship strong and honest. We can boldly approach the throne of grace, we can petItion and plead with our Father who already knows what we need. He already knows the outcome. Still we ask...we ask for His perfect will to be done, and for sustenance and peace even if the healing doesn’t come, the test result is positive and the answers are not as we had hoped. We trust in His omniscience. He always knows better than we. We trust in his omnipresence. His timing is always impeccable. We trust he is omnipotent ...more powerful than any pain, uncertainty, failure or fear we will ever encounter.
So how do we spend our time in the waiting room? Do we fret impatiently, complain unceasingly or do we pray confidently and seek Him earnestly. The outcome may very well be the same, but the ability to overcome and continue to fight the good fight is possible when you remember who is in control. He is and always will be. He is a good father and seeks to draw us even deeper in relationship with each trial and period of waiting we face. So pray in the waiting, trust in the timing, and know His goodness in the depths of your soul.He loves us, oh how he loves us.
Sunday is coming....Heaven is on the horizon.
Romans 8:18
For I consider that the sufferings of this present time
are not worth comparing with the glory that is to
be revealed to us.