Thanksgiving and all its traditions are a welcome occasion. Family and friends gather for one purpose; to celebrate a bountiful harvest by fellowshipping and feasting. Keeping God at the center of this celebration is so important. We must remind our children for what and to whom we are thankful. Most of us don’t fear going hungry because of a poor harvest, but many of our neighbors do. And certainly our forefathers did. Take the time to really reflect and be grateful, and share that with your families. So often we take for granted all the trappings of the holidays. May we keep our minds focused on God and His provisions, His mercy and His love for His people.
I am thankful for so much, but mostly for the forgiveness I have received by becoming a child of God and follower of Jesus. Anything that comes after that is good and worthy of thanksgiving. May God richly bless you and your families as you come before Him with grateful hearts. May the peace of God permeate your Thanksgiving celebrations, and may we all show the love of God to everyone we encounter, especially the unlovable that may even be part of our own families. God loves them as much as He loves you!
Happy Thanksgiving!