Those of you who know me, know I go on and on about how much I love camping, but please indulge me again. Another couple of days at one of PA’s lovely state parks has produced another chapter of memories. I cherish these moments with my kids, maybe because having my oldest two turn 24 and 25 this year has made me wistfully aware of how quickly they grow up.
For 2 ½ days NO ONE was hypnotized by the glow of a screen , including me! I must admit, I was a little panicked to learn that there was NO cell signal, not even 1X! OMG, whatever will I do?! I became keenly aware of how dependent I am on my window to the word I call my phone. But a quick trip 2 miles out of the forest allowed me an “in case of emergency” text to my peeps.( Note to self: shoot that text out before losing service and chill the heck out!)
Once set up and settled, we proceeded to ride bikes, eat, swim, eat some more, hike and of course, fish. The river at camp and its tributaries failed to produce adequate results, so up the river we traveled. We had a fantastic day of wading in the river and fishing. We found a fishing pond for the kids where they found the most success. Dad looked on and offered help with snags and the inevitable swallowed hook. Cameras captured the excitement of the catches as the parents commended the successes. No one looked at watches or phones to check the time. No one rushed. Peace and serenity abounded.
My most treasured minutes were those spent outside with my morning coffee reading God’s Word. I even took an opportunity to have a moment of teaching with my kids and husband to start our first day there. As usual, God gave me the perfect scripture to share with each of them. Nowhere do I experience God’s beauty like this. The days full of activity ended with star gazing, mountain pies and s’mores. The meteor shower was a bonus!
So we’re home again. I vow to remember….. The sweetness of conversation without that annoying glance to the device, the “just a minute, I’m almost done,” the freedom to hop on my bike or take a walk with my kids, the deliberate slowing down and taking it all in. I promise to be aware of the times I make my kids hurry up and wait and to be more patient. Why do I need a geographical change to have a change in attitude? I pray I can keep a peaceful state of mind here at home until next time when I can escape to my happy place…the woods. It can’t come soon enough!
Genesis 1:1 In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.
1 Corinthians 2:9
But, as it is written, “What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined, what God has prepared for those who love him”--
So, how excited am I about the beauty of heaven?! Talk about a happy place! I doubt I’ll miss my phone ;)