I probably say it daily, seriously! I don’t say it because the sun is shining, because my life is rosy or because it’s payday. I say it because I know His attributes; I know His deep love for me, and I know what He desires for me.
When we meet someone new, sometimes we feel an immediate connection. Just last week someone I had just met made me think, “Wow,we could totally be friends!” But obviously, when we enter into relationship with someone, whether a friendship or a romance, we learn about the person’s character before we are all in, right?
So it is with God. When you don’t know Him and someone tells you how good He is, you don’t have to take their word for it! I’ve dated “good” guys and had friends who were “good” people according to others’ recommendations. But until you learn about their character and motives for yourself, you are certainly going to enter in cautiously. I believe this same approach is useful when seeking God and when that still small voice inside is nudging you toward Him.
As a believer, I know His character, I know I trust Him and I know He will always be my solid rock. I don’t believe this because someone told me God is good and left it at that. I know this because many people told me God is good and they told me why. They also pointed me to the Bible, which confirmed that indeed, He is good.
I will leave you with two reasons why I know He is good.
1. I was lost in a life of sin and self gratification.. He offered me a way out and saved me.
2. Despite a lifetime of bad decisions, he has continually carried me through difficult times and given me strength to navigate through the consequences of those decisions.
OK, three!
3. He has promised that this is my temporary home and he has an eternal future of joy waiting for me!
I encourage you to get to know Him for yourself. If you’ve been curious about what it means to be in a relationship with Jesus Christ, to believe in the God who loves you, I encourage you to start vetting him. Do the research. Don’t take my word for it, although I would not lead you astray. Take his Word for it. His promises are abundant and He loves you! The Bible is a love story already written about you and your relationship with God! Jump in and check it out. It’s a story with a happy ending, and you will discover with each chapter and verse that God really is good.