Because most of my list is not contingent upon the weather, I can procrastinate. There’s always tomorrow. But I am remembering a time when my list and my attitude were entirely different; when I was a farmer. Yep, I was a happy dairy farmer for 8 years! Instead of “I have to….today” I remember thinking “I can…today” When the weather was pleasant, there were just short of a thousand things we could do…planting, harvesting, mowing, painting…. When the weather was rainy or cold, another thousand or so options presented themselves. We could repair, maintain, clean, service….There was no time to procrastinate! The first cup of coffee allowed for time to prioritize. “What can we do today’” What must we do today?” Not a thought given to the fact that we would never get finished. Because we never did. And it was ok. When the last tank of milk shipped and the last cow walked out of the barn, there were still things that were not done. But every day was full with effort and the will to accomplish as much as possible. I would be lying if I said I wasn’t exhausted most of those days, but with exhaustion comes accomplishment and those days were some of my happiest.
So today I press on knowing that completing my list is unrealistic, but also knowing there are things I “can “and “get to” to do! And tomorrow there will be more! I “get” to tackle my list because my physical health allows and my spiritual health motivates. So I will! (As soon as I get off this computer!) Thanks be to God!